Ulrich Hereford Ranch

Fall 1998 Sale List of the 1997 Bull Calf Crop

All These Coming Two Year Old Bulls Are For Sale!

All weights are in Pounds (lb), (1 lb = 0.454 kg).

The bulls with pink birth weights we feel could be used on heifers!

B.D.= Birth Date, B.W. = Actual Birth Weight,   WPDA = Weight Per Day of Age,
205D = Adjusted 205 Day Weight, 365D = Adjusted 365 Day Weight.

Tattoo B.D. B.W. Sire Tattoo Dam Tattoo 205D WPDA Wean Index 365D  Year Index Dec.2 Weight Price Comments
XUB 1G 31/01/97 105 ALNK 110D XUB 166B 702 3.34 104.5 1062 98.3 1765    
XUB 4G 05/02/97 86 4016D XUB 23B 738 3.58 109.9 1058 98.0 1800   Used on our heifers
ALNK 33G 14/02/97 100 656U ALNK 14X 732 3.56 109.0 1175 108.8 1665   Used  on our cows
XUB 52G 18/02/97 115 XUB 40Y JBC 281A 850 4.15 126.4 1270 117.6 2010    
XUB 60G 19/02/97 86 BOMO 277D XUB 133Y 567 2.77 84.4 962 89.1 1500   Used  on Com. heif.
XUB 65G 19/02/97 81 335C XUB 5D 635 2.99 94.5 1104 102.2 1625   Used  on our heifers
XUB 69G 19/02/97 110 335C XUB 171B 782 3.77 116.3 1212 112.2 1910   Used  on our cows
XUB 73G 20/02/97 110 22B XUB 106C 598 2.88 89.0 1059 98.0 1705    
XUB 74G 20/02/97 91 XUB 101E XUB 55C 598 2.88 89.1 966 89.5 1530    
ALNK 75G 20/02/97 93 SNS 44C ALNK 12C 674 3.25 100.3 1087 100.6 1775    
ALNK 78G 20/02/97 94 BOMO 277D ALNK 301C 713 3.37 106.2 1069 98.9 1730    
XUB 84G 21/02/97 88 BXC 168E XUB 108D 698 3.24 103.9 1124 104.0 1895    
XUB 89G 22/02/97 91 BOMO 277D XUB 93A 686 3.36 102.1 1064 98.5 1630    
ALNK 91G 23/02/97 90 XUB 15H ALNK 124E 680 3.08 101.2 1096 101.4 1620    
XUB 95G 23/02/97 94 SNS 44C XUB 31A 715 3.50 106.4 1092 101.1 1725    
XUB 103G 24/02/97 96 22B XUB 124A 707 3.47 105.3 1080 100.0 1900    
XUB 115G 26/02/97 101 XUB 18E XUB 77D 757 3.60 112.7 1170 108.3 1925    
ALNK 119G 27/02/97 108 BXC 168E ALNK 5C 762 3.70 113.4 1200 111.1 2000    
ALNK 124G 27/02/97 102 656U PEP 56U 685 3.37 102.0 1106 102.4 1700    
XUB 130G 28/02/97 100 XUB 18E XUB 97D 701 3.33 104.3 1083 100.3 1585    
ALNK 135G 28/02/97 97 335C ALNK 3C 692 3.36 103.0 1087 100.7 1675    
XUB 137G 28/02/97 108 XUB 107Z XUB 58C 692 3.36 102.9 1060 98.1 1770    
XUB 151G 02/03/97 109 XUB 101E LCI 112B 805 3.96 119.9 1183 109.5 1905    
XUB 154G 03/03/97 109 SNS 44C XUB 16Z 766 3.78 114.0 1182 109.5 1850    
ALNK 155G 03/03/97 107 656U ALNK 12X 601 2.97 89.4 978 90.6 1505    
ALNK 167G 05/03/97 103 BXC 168E ALNK 131B 655 3.24 97.5 1103 102.1 1990    
XUB 174G 06/03/97 109 XUB 24E XUB 59C 699 3.41 104.0 1059 98.0 1700    
XUB 176G 08/03/97 97 XUB 107Z XUB 76A 681 3.37 101.3 922 85.4 1530    
XUB 179G 09/03/97 86 XUB 24E XUB 103X 608 3.01 90.5 994 92.0 1475   Used  on com. heif.
XUB 180G 09/03/97 108 XUB 40Y LCI 92C 686 3.36 102.2 1054 97.6 1825    
ALNK 191G 12/03/97 100 BOMO 277D ALNK 8C 764 3.74 113.7 1132 104.8 1825   Used on our cows
ALNK 201G 18/03/97 99 XUB 40Y ALNK 138W 673 3.36 100.2 1103 102.2 1700    
XUB 207G 20/03/97 106 XUB 101E XUB 202Z 778 3.89 115.8 1156 107.0 1625    
ALNK 210G 21/03/97 85 XUB 101E ALNK 224B 588 2.90 87.6 996 92.2 1500    
XUB 211G 22/03/97 104 XUB 101E XUB 132W 715 3.58 106.4 1053 97.5 1590    
XUB 218G 25/03/97 110 4016D XUB 66A 803 4.03 119.5 1206 111.7 1875   Used on our cows
ALNK 226G 01/04/97 90 XUB 101E ALNK 72A 712 3.59 106.0 1107 102.5 1625    
XUB 232G 12/04/97 85 XUB 101E XUB 56C 721 3.62 107.3 1106 102.4 1725    
Fall Calves                      
ALNK 701G 14/08/97 80 656U ALNK 11C 518 2.48 83.3     1210    
XUB 704G 17/08/97 86 335C XUB 177Z 679 3.31 109.1     1350    
XUB 709G 23/08/97 108 656U XUB 46C 644 3.11 103.5     1315    
XUB 712G 01/09/97 93 BOMO 277D XUB 91Y 677 3.33 108.8     1380    
ALNK 713G 05/09/97 94 BOMO 277D ALNK 140B 700 3.46 112.5     1385    
XUB 718G 18/09/97 91 BOMO 277D XUB 30Z 593 2.97 95.4     1285    

The Canadian Hereford Association provides us with these Performance Records as well as the EPD's, we prefer the performance records but if you would like to see the EPD's on some of these bulls please don't hesitate to contact us:

We have a video tape of these animals, if you would like a copy please contact us
and we will mail you one!

Ulrich Hereford Ranch, Phone: 403 625-2237, Fax: 403 625-1500, email: andysch@telusplanet.net

Last Updated 04 May 1999

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