Lilybrook Herefords - Ulrich Hereford Ranch Inc

Performance Data for L-Bulls

All weights are in Pounds (lb), (1 lb = 0.454 kg).

The bulls with LARGE printed birth weights we feel could be used on heifers!

B.D.= Birth Date, B.W. = Actual Birth Weight,    WPDA = Weight Per Day of Age, 205D = Adjusted 205 Day Weight,

Please click on the blue tattoo for a page with a picture and other info about each bull.

Tattoo B.D. B.W. Sire Tattoo Dam Tattoo Wean Wgt. WPDA 205D Wean Index Year Wgt. Year Index Mar.13 Wgt. Comments
XUB 27L 10/02/01 104 AJPD 13G XUB 26T 625 ET ET ET 1125 ET 2020  
XUB 28L 10/02/01 97 AJPD 13G XUB 26T 680 ET ET ET 1080 ET 2010  
ALNK 49L 14/02/01 108 22B ALNK 14X 680 ET ET ET 1140 ET 1910  
XUB 59L 16/02/01 102 9012 XUB 40J 675 3.01 679 97 1160 107 1940  
XUB 63L 16/02/01 94 XUB 46E XUB 31J 755 3.37 751 108 1175 108 1780  
XUB 128L 25/02/01 82 AJPD 13G XUB 11E 660 3.07 633 91 1015 91 1850  
XUB 138L 25/02/01 101 SFE
SFE 74J 710 3.30 733 105 1100 103 2020  
ALNK 173L 03/03/01 93 XUB 12H ALNK 214J 680 3.25 721 104 1125 107 1900  
XUB 228L 25/03/01 83 XUB 102J XUB 804H 620 3.32 706 101 1030 103 1670  
ALNK 232L 30/03/01 117 XUB 12H ALNK 140B 660 3.63 728 105 1100 107 1960  
ALNK 241L 15/04/01 96 XUB 102J ALNK 126G 560 3.37 679 97 965 100 1970  

The Canadian Hereford Association provides us with these Performance Records as well as the EPD's, we prefer the performance records but if you would like to see the EPD's on some of these bulls please don't hesitate to contact us:

             Lilybrook Herefords Inc.                                                              Ulrich Hereford Ranch Inc.
             Andy Schuepbach, phone 403 625-4693                                          Peter Ulrich, phone/fax 403 625-2434
             Email:                                                         Email:      
             Dedicated fax: 403 625-1500
             Website:                                        Website:

Hans Ulrich, phone: 403 625-2237

Last updated: 11/25/2003

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