Ulrich Hereford Ranch

History & Breeding Program

Welcome and Performance Award (20,000 bytes) Ulrich Hereford Ranch is located in South-western Alberta (Canada) "Where the Wheatlands meet the Range". More exactly you will find us 10 miles (16km) east of Claresholm on secondary Highway 520 and 4.5 miles (7.5km) north. Claresholm is located 85 miles south of Calgary or 50 miles NW of Lethbridge.

Our soils are very sandy and with only 12 inches average rainfall we are best described as under semi-desert conditions. Our cattle are run on mainly Crested Wheat grass, Native grass and some Alfalfa-grass mixed pastures. Most winters our cows will graze out for a good part of their winter feed. The snow usually does not get very deep and the occasional Chinook will clear off the fields for the cows. However, the 1996-1997 winter was the exception. It was very cold and the snow stayed deep, which required more then double the hay to winter our cowherd.

Hans managed the place for a Swiss family for ten years and ran the ranch as Dr. Amman's Hereford Ranch. In 1968 he rented the Ranch until 1994 when he was able to buy the Ranch. Over the last years the Ranch has grown to 4900 acres of dryland farming and ranching. At this time we run approximately 230 Purebred Horned Hereford Cows, we sell about 50 bred replacement heifers, 70 yearling and coming two year old bulls, and around 100 straight bred commercial Hereford heifers. We like to buy these heifers as calves from some of our bull customers, breed them to our own light birth weight bulls and sell the top end as bred heifers.

Breeding Program

Bulls And Cows That Have Influenced Our Herd.

The background of our Cowherd is mostly Real Prince Domino, Britisher and Wetmore Halflight bloodlines. Twenty-five to thirty years ago two of the outstanding herd bulls that were used in our breeding program were: Britisher Standard 33B and Britisher AGA 31D who created quite a bit of excitement on the 1976 World Hereford Conference Tour in Southern Alberta and left us some tremendous females.

The following year DP Britisher AGA 46E came along. He left us with some of the best Hereford Cows to ever walk our place, with good feet, nice udders with an abundance of milk and tremendous performance. In his footsteps followed his sons: 46E Britisher AGA 15H and GU 46E Britisher  51K. Both of these bulls produced much like their sire, good females and very popular bulls. Even today some of our best old Cows go back to these two 46E sons.

Most of the 46E background Cows were bred to Standard Lad 93J bull with great success. 93J was purchased at the Calgary Bull Sale in 1979 together with Stauffer Herefords and Doug Fraser. He was known and used successfully worldwide, a truly great sire. In the following years we used a number of 93J sons, grandsons, and great grandsons like 93J Standard AGA 1M, 93J Standard AGA 128M, 1M Standard AGA 13P which was used in our herd and several other well known breeding establishments. One of them is the LCI outfit, where 13P was the sire of many mothers of their record high selling bull calves like LCI SUPER VOLTAGE 15W, LCI HI VOLTAGE SON ND 38X, LCI SUPREME VOLTAGE 91Z, etc.

Another grandson of 93J was 128M Standard AGA 4S, we used him as a yearling and then sold him to Camco in the Calgary Bull Sale for a good price. He left us some of the top producing cows in our herd. We also used his full brother 128M Standard AGA 65T with good results. These two bulls were out of Peter's great cow Miss 51K Britisher AGA 61N, she produced many good daughters and herd bulls, in total we used eight sons out of this big and tremendous milking cow. One of her best known sons is AGA K58 Stanmore 13X, a yellow curly hair coated, thick and easy keeping son of Court Stanmore K58. We bought a semen share in K58 from Courtneys in Montana, he bred very well for us. We also used a full brother to 13X,  AGA K58 Stanmore ET 110D  with much success. His best son yet, AGA 110D Stanmore 609F sold for 14,500.00 at the 1998 Medicine Hat Sale to Lehr Herefords.

The More Recent Cowherd Is Sired By Some Of The Following Bulls:

AGA 6U Standard ET 40Y, he is a High Voltage grandson out of our best 13P Cow, 13P Miss Britisher AGA 26T. He left us pretty near perfect uddered, high producing Cows with perfect feet. A real asset; Unfortunately we lost 40Y.

DMF 81N Standard Lad 303Y, a son of the well known 96 Standard Advance 81N "Andy" bull. This bull sired lots of meat and big testicles.

Some other bulls we brought up from Courtneys where CTY K Stanmore Y9012 and CTY Brigadier 24B, both bulls did a superb job in our light birth weight program. We also used CTY Stanmore X852 through Artificial Insemination very successfully together with a couple of his sons that we raised. One of them AGA 852 Stanmore ET 9C, he is also responsible for some of our light birth weight calves.

Another sire that did a great job for us is SNS Centennial ET 67Z, a full brother to the famous SNS Generator 28X.

AGA 13X Britisher 107Z, who did such a superb job at Nixdorffs (SNS) and where ever he was used,  we could use him only limited, to prevent too much inbreeding. 107Z is known for his top sons, many went on to do great jobs in well known purebred herds in Canada and the U.S.A.

1996 Breeding Season

In 1996 we used several new bulls.

CTY Brigadier 22B, a solid, good pigmented light birth weight bull. It looks like his females will be top producers!

CTY Extra 335C, a very thick, easy keeping bull who leaves calves which look much like himself.

Bar OM 656 ST Command Lad 277D, was the high selling bull at Misty Valley's 1996 Sale.

Standard Lad 656 4ET, this old straight Canadian bred bull has created a lot of interest since his semen became available.

CTY K Stanmore 4016D, another thick, easy keeping bull from Courtneys. His calves look very exciting, visitors really favor them.

AGA 16B Generator 101E, a home raised bull out of a top 40Y cow, AGA 40Y Miss Britisher 93A. The sire of 101E was Generator ML Brit 16B, which was a Generator son that we bought from the Rosgen herd, unfortunately we lost him after the first breeding season.

AGA 63T Standard 24E, another good real growthy home raised bull that is an outcross for us. His sire is "Big Saskatchewan" from the Ranch of the Vikings.We own him together with Conway Herefords.

1997 Breeding Season

In 1997 we used these two new herd sires:

FE 27A Extra 102E, the $20,000 bull we bought spring 97 in the Calgary Bull Sale from Fentons.

MN 974Y Mischief 605E, a real thick and curly hair coated bull we bought from Marvin Nixdorff out of the Calgary sale.

We also have a group of AI calves from LLL FE Std. Brit. 85A,   FE 34Z Standard 288D and SNS Silver Prince 44C.

1998 Breeding Season

For the 1998 breeding season we used some of our own promising yearling bulls, such as:

AGA 656U Standard 33G,
AGA 335C Extra 69G,
AGA 277D Standard 191G,
AGA 4016D Stanmore 218G.

1999 Breeding Season

For the 1999 breeding season we used some more of our own bulls, such as:

AGA 4016D Stanmore 12H
AGA 85A Std Brit ET 26H 
AGA 16F Bridader 77H
AGA 288D Standard 96H
AGA 605E Mischief 133H
AGA 9C Stanmore 231H
and these other bulls
FE 27A Extra 102E
MN 974Y Mischief 605E
AGA 656U Standard 33G
AGA 277D Standard 191G through AI.

2000 Breeding Season

For 2000 we used the following bulls:

AGA 121G Stanmore 20J
AGA 191G Standard 85J
AGA 22B Brigader 97J
AGA 656U Standard ET 101J
AGA 4016D Stanmore 102J
AGA 191G Standard 141J
CTY K Stanmore 4016D,
GEM General 13G
AGA 4016D Stanmore 12H,
AGA 16F Bridader 77H,
AGA 9C Stanmore 231H.

2001 Breeding Season

Here are the bulls used in 2001:

AGA 4016D Stanmore 4K
AGA 34Z Standard ET 10K
AGA 1S Old Domino 44K
AGA 22B Brigader 117K
AGA 121G Stanmore 20J
AGA 191G Standard 85J
AGA 22B Brigader 97J
AGA 656U Standard ET 101J
AGA 191G Standard 141J
AGA 4016D Stanmore 12H,
AGA 16F Bridader 77H,

We would like to extend an invitation to all of you to visit us at the ranch anytime, we are always happy to show you our operation. Or you can get in contact with us through the addresses on the Home Page.

Last Updated 28 Jan 2003

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