Lilybrook Herefords Inc.

Performance Data for R-Bulls


All weights are in Pounds (lb), (1 lb = 0.454 kg).

The Blue tattoos are linked to a page with a picture and other info!

The bulls with LARGE printed birth weights we feel could be used on heifers!
B.D.= Birth Date, B.W. = Actual Birth Weight,    WPDA = Weight Per Day of Age, 205D = Adjusted 205 Day Weight,

B.D. B.W. Sire Tattoo Dam
WPDA 205D Wean Index Y.Wgt. Mar.18. Year
LBH 3R FEB 6 86 ALNK 191G XUB 26T 607 2.64 563 ET 1114 ET 1661  
LBH 4R FEB 6 89 XUB 40L LBH 101N 605 2.63 600 94.0 1074 96.1 1700  
LBH 5R FEB 9 86 656 XUB 145F 637 2.81 584 91.5 1137 97.3 1814  
LBH 23R FEB 15 108 XUB 77H XUB 79G 765 3.46 717 112.4 1234 107.1 1812  
LBH 24R FEB 15 95 XUB 20J LBH 92N 650 2.94 662 103.7 1153 104.7 1739  
LBH 33R FEB 17 87 XUB 20J XUB 41C 605 2.76 585 Orph- aned 1080 Orph-
LBH 44R FEB 20 95 XUB 77H LBH 24M 672 3.11 665 104.2 1162 104.0 1725  
LBH 49R FEB 21 95 CXT 72M XUB 126H 691 3.21 663 103.9 1219 107.1 1845  
LBH 55R FEB 21 86 XUB 20J XUB 235L 628 2.92 626 98.1 1095 98.4 1733  
LBH 60R FEB 22 91 LBH 192N XUB 165K 662 3.09 638 100.0 1062 93.8 1617  
LBH 106R FEB 27 89 XUB 20J LBH 56N 558 2.67 600 94.0 999 93.7 1627  
LBH 124R MAR 1 101 656 XUB 96C 687 3.32 693 108.6 1041 94.9 1730  
LBH 128R MAR 2 97 XUB 20J XUB 914J 607 2.95 605 94.8 1083 97.1 1692  
LBH 147R MAR 5 102 LBH 192N XUB 117G 635 3.13 641 100.4 1061 96.2 1605  
LBH 161R MAR 6 93 XUB 73L LBH 53N 636 3.15 696 109.1 1060 101.2 1620  
LBH 169R MAR 8 73 LBH 56M LBH 172N 573 2.87 638 100.0 992 95.3 1559  
LBH 175R MAR 9 83 XUB 73L LBH 104N 561 2.82 627 98.3 992 95.4 1594  
LBH 178R MAR 9 86 XUB 73L LBH 143N 602 3.03 669 104.8 986 95.2 1596  
LBH 216R MAR 19 86 CXT 87M XUB 35L 551 2.92 599 93.9 996 93.9 1537  
LBH 219R MAR 21 93 XUB 73L LBH 281N 520 2.78 612 95.9 955 94.3 1570  
LBH 230R MAR 23 80 PPPH 41N LBH 37M 565 3.05 640 100.3 986 95.8 1629  
LBH 257R APR 8 108 ALNK 101J XUB 18K 574 3.40 674 105.6 1003 99.6 1634  
LBH 278R APR 23 98 ALNK 101J XUB 157K 523 3.40 664 104.0 893 93.6 1603  

The Canadian Hereford Association provides us with these Performance Records as well as the EPD's, we prefer the performance records but if you would like to see the EPD's on some of these bulls please don't hesitate to contact us:

Lilybrook Herefords Inc.

Andy Schuepbach, phone: 403 625-4693  or cell 403 625-6316 (try cell first during the day)
Hans Ulrich, phone: 403 625-2237
Dedicated fax: 403 625-1500

Last Updated April 21,  2007

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