RFI Research Info

A Bulls

Here is the data on our Lilybrook A bulls of the Canadian Hereford Association’s Residual Feed Efficiency Trial number 3.

Feed efficiency (RFI, RG, RIG) values have been calculated across contemporary groups (pens in this case), however bulls at this time can only be compared within pen. Comparison across pens can be conducted when estimated breeding values (EBVs) have been calculated. We anticipate preliminary EBVs to be available later this summer, hopefully before the AGM where Dr. John Basarab will be presenting an update to the Hereford RFI project.

RFIFAT_A refers to residual feed intake adjusted for final off-test backfat thickness and has been calculated across contemporary groups. It is expressed in kg DM/day and can be converted to lb DM/day by multiplying the value by 2.2046. Negative RFI means superior feed efficiency compared to a positive bull.

 RGFAT_A refers to residual gain adjusted for final off-test backfat thickness and has been calculated across contemporary groups. It is expressed in kg gain/day and can be converted to lb/day by multiplying the value by 2.2046. it identifies bulls with superior growth potential and positive values have superior growth to negative values.

 RIGFAT_A refers to residual intake and gain adjusted for final off-test backfat thickness and has been calculated across contemporary groups. It is expressed in Standard deviations above the mean. Positive RIG values means superior feed efficiency and superior growth compared to a bull with negative RIG values.

 RIGFAT_A is perhaps the most meaningful data point to consider at this point in the project as it represents the residual feed intake AND the residual gain. In other words this represents animals with lower feed intake but are also high gainers. In this instance, the more positive the number the better.

Here are the RFI values for Trial #3

Year Location Calf Tattoo Calf Registration # Sire Contemporary Groups Owner Feed Conversion Ratio RFIFAT_A (kg DM/day) RGFAT_A (kg/day) RIGFAT_A (std above the
(Fat adj, across ctgp) mean) (Fat adj, across
(Fat adj, across ctgp)
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 142A C02984753 Anchor 6Y 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.14 -0.627 0.090 1.585
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 232A C02984888 LBH 168T Standard 397W 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.57 -0.572 0.017 1.071
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 121A C02984682 LBH 268P Standard 106T 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.85 -0.324 -0.030 0.374
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 211A C02984904 Genetic 827 LAD 1123 9 Andy Schuepbach 5.97 -0.170 0.167 1.257
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 45A C02983907 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.67 -0.146 -0.034 0.051
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 4A C02983563 LBH 39T Sterling 162W 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.15 -0.060 0.133 0.874
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 358A C02985713 LBH 38T Standard Dom 223Y 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.28 -0.035 0.101 0.644
2013-14 OldsCollege LBHD 79A C02983901 MCCOY 58G Jackpot ET 105X 9 Andy Schuepbach 7.04 0.016 -0.096 -0.588
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 250A C02984873 LBH 157K Ribstone 39U 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.58 0.086 0.056 0.180
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 52A C02983868 LBH 243W Ribstone 252Y 9 Andy Schuepbach 7.99 0.089 -0.190 -1.252
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 104A C02984697 PDHR 20J Stanmore 47R 9 Andy Schuepbach 8.06 0.230 -0.212 -1.622
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 15A C02983851 SGC 129P Super Lad 102T 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.07 0.242 0.169 0.572
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 2A C02983561 CC 77J Sterling 39T 9 Andy Schuepbach 7.08 0.268 -0.080 -0.921
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 274A C02985076 MCCOY 58G Jackpot ET 105X 9 Andy Schuepbach 8.92 0.306 -0.302 -2.274
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 325A C02985382 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 9 Andy Schuepbach 7.45 0.341 -0.144 -1.413
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 65A C02988307 LBH 268P Standard 106T 9 Andy Schuepbach 6.72 0.748 0.012 -1.199
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 120A C02984683 Genetic 827 LAD 1123 9 Andy Schuepbach 8.08 1.052 -0.227 -3.101
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 74A C02983853 MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET 9 Andy Schuepbach 0.00 . . .
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 94A C02984705 AGA 121G Stanmore 20J 9 Andy Schuepbach -0.03 . . .
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 403A C02986121 Anchor 6Y 10 Andy Schuepbach 5.11 -0.992 0.318 3.531
2013-14 OldsCollege LBHR 251A C02985088 MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET 10 Andy Schuepbach 6.43 -0.858 0.033 1.645
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 183A C02984861 PDHR 20J Stanmore 47R 10 Andy Schuepbach 7.31 -0.614 -0.143 0.209
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 350A C02985706 LBH 168T Standard 397W 10 Andy Schuepbach 6.28 -0.577 0.058 1.317
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 399A C02984925 LBH 39T Sterling 162W 10 Andy Schuepbach 6.21 -0.520 0.045 1.143
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 284A C02985093 LBH 268P Standard 106T 10 Andy Schuepbach 7.87 -0.258 -0.197 -0.707
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 383A C02986096 LBH 157K Ribstone 198T 10 Andy Schuepbach 6.63 -0.207 0.005 0.380
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 281A C02985095 MCCOY 58G Jackpot ET 105X 10 Andy Schuepbach 6.49 -0.168 -0.003 0.265
2013-14 OldsCollege LBHM 309A C02985372 LBH 20J Stanmore ET 265Y 10 Andy Schuepbach 6.56 0.132 -0.010 -0.278
2013-14 OldsCollege LBH 143A C02984752 LBH 73L Standard 268P 10 Andy Schuepbach 7.86 . . .
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 243A C02984880 MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET 11 Andy Schuepbach 5.56 -1.253 0.143 2.952
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 1A C02984001 MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET 11 Andy Schuepbach 5.84 -1.056 0.037 2.005
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 50A C02983870 LBH 39T Sterling 162W 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.26 -0.918 -0.029 1.388
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 60A C02983863 LBH 39T Sterling 53W 11 Andy Schuepbach 5.76 -0.451 0.126 1.494
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 136A C02984668 Genetic 827 Lad 1123 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.70 -0.335 -0.081 0.099
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 20A C02983927 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.62 -0.319 -0.122 -0.170
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 206A C02984907 PDHR 20J Standmore 47R 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.25 -0.215 0.009 0.417
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 9A C02983849 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.71 -0.205 -0.118 -0.335
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 46A C02992143 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.09 -0.196 0.030 0.505
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 249A C02984874 MCCOY 58G Jackpot ET 105X 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.99 -0.063 -0.159 -0.818
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 117A C02984685 LBH 268P Standard 106T 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.38 0.047 -0.052 -0.381
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 43A C02983909 LBH 268P Standard 106T 11 Andy Schuepbach 5.45 0.141 0.218 1.025
2013-14 Cattleland LBHD 29A C02988305 LBH 243 Ribstone 252Y 11 Andy Schuepbach 9.49 0.366 -0.473 -3.369
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 122A C02984681 LBH 268P Standard 106T 11 Andy Schuepbach 6.73 0.597 -0.082 -1.486
2013-14 Cattleland LBHR 273A C02984974 LBH 38T Standard Dom 223Y 11 Andy Schuepbach 5.72 0.606 0.162 -0.088
2013-14 Cattleland LBHR 95A C02984704 FE 44S Red Skyline 24U 11 Andy Schuepbach 7.21 0.931 -0.173 -2.583
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 107A C02984694 Anchor 6Y 11 Andy Schuepbach 8.84 . . .
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 268A C02988309 MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET 12 Andy Schuepbach 4.76 -1.435 0.385 4.668
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 115A C02984687 LBH 268P Standard 106T 12 Andy Schuepbach 6.03 -0.859 0.015 1.544
2013-14 Cattleland LBHM 162A C02984738 SGC 76P Royal Amigo 174S 12 Andy Schuepbach 5.80 -0.826 0.061 1.757
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 208A C02984906 AGA 121G Stanmore 20J 12 Andy Schuepbach 6.77 -0.784 -0.127 0.590
2013-14 Cattleland LBHD 269A C02984973 LBH 38T Standard Dom 223Y 12 Andy Schuepbach 7.22 -0.675 -0.163 0.197
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 256A C02984927 LBH 157K Ribstone 198T 12 Andy Schuepbach 5.92 -0.265 0.075 0.883
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 265A C02985080 MH Dakota Lad 6238 1ET 12 Andy Schuepbach 7.37 -0.124 -0.197 -0.934
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 210A C02984905 Genetic 827 Lad 1123 12 Andy Schuepbach 6.52 -0.016 -0.055 -0.291
2013-14 Cattleland LBHD 173A C02984869 FE 44S Red Skyline 24U 12 Andy Schuepbach 5.70 0.048 0.167 0.889
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 171A C02984730 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 12 Andy Schuepbach 6.22 0.121 -0.002 -0.216
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 280A C02984926 LBH 20J Stanmore ET 265Y 12 Andy Schuepbach 7.03 0.177 -0.140 -1.116
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 272A C02985077 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 12 Andy Schuepbach 5.98 0.225 0.091 0.148
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 165A C02984735 PDHR 20J Standmore 47R 12 Andy Schuepbach 6.65 0.271 -0.076 -0.899
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 253A C02984928 LBH 39T Sterling 162 W 12 Andy Schuepbach 5.86 0.353 0.134 0.178
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 308A C02985373 MCCOY 58G Jackpot ET 105X 12 Andy Schuepbach 8.63 0.712 -0.397 -3.513
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 229A C02984889 Anchor 6Y 12 Andy Schuepbach 6.05 0.802 0.073 -0.936
2013-14 Cattleland LBHD 32A C02988306 LBH 243W Ribstone 252Y 12 Andy Schuepbach 5.72 . . .
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 254A C02988308 LBH 168T Standard 397W 12 Andy Schuepbach 17.69 . . .
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 267A C02985079 Genetic 827 Lad 1123 12 Andy Schuepbach 8.65 . . .
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 388A C02986102 LBH 20J Stanmore ET 265Y 13 Andy Schuepbach 5.15 -0.425 0.177 1.749
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 374A C02985844 LBH 157K Ribstone 40W 13 Andy Schuepbach 5.34 -0.276 0.158 1.384
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 422A C02986503 LBH 39T Sterling 162 W 13 Andy Schuepbach 7.11 -0.111 -0.254 -1.285
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 418A C02986111 CC 77J Sterling 39T 13 Andy Schuepbach 6.98 -0.057 -0.263 -1.429
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 405A C02988311 BP 144P standard Lad 147W 13 Andy Schuepbach 6.22 0.487 -0.068 -1.222
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 321A C02985375 LBH 268P Standard 106T 13 Andy Schuepbach 6.77 0.649 -0.194 -2.223
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 391A C02988310 LBH 73L Standard 268P 13 Andy Schuepbach 6.63 0.707 -0.167 -2.170
2013-14 Cattleland LBH 335A C02985385 MCCOY 58G Jackpot ET 105X 13 Andy Schuepbach 7.52 1.015 -0.342 -3.705

Last updated: Jan 14, 2015

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